Agenda: Selectboard Regular Meeting

Past event
Jan 19, 2016, 7 to 9:30 PM

Selectboard, Water & Sewer Commissioners, Liquor Commissioners, Cemetery Commissioners
January 19, 2016
1. Call to Order – 7:00 pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance – 7:01 pm
3. Amendments to the Agenda – 7:02 pm
4. Approval of Minutes of 1/5/16, 1/7/16 & 1/12/2016 - 7:03 pm
5. Five Minutes for Public Comment – 7:05 pm
6. Department Head & Committee Reports – 7:10 pm
7. New Business – 7:20 pm
a. Decision on Some Town Meeting Articles:
a) Air Park
b) P.A.C.E
c) Rescue (assuming petition not submitted)
d) Other, if applicable
b. FYE 2017 Budget Approval
c. 2016 March Town Meeting Warning Approval and Signing (Town & Highway Budget)
d. Special Town Meeting Warning Approval and Signing (Bond for Water Line Improvements)
e. Step 3 Grievance re: G. Marcy (subject to Executive Session)
f. Sewer Abatement Request – Deborah Eddy, 3 Willard Ave., Acct. #212
g. Cemetery Deed – Francis, Cheryl & Todd Owen, Cedar Grove Cemetery, Section 11, Lots 145/146/147, 6 graves
h. 2nd Class Liquor License Request – DG Retail, LLC (d/b/a Dollar General Store #11660)
8. Old Business – 7:25 pm
a. Executive Session – Union Contract
9. Board Roundtable Discussion – 9:25 pm
10. Review of Finance Reports – 9:30 pm
a. Expenditure / Revenue Reports
b. Checkbook Status
c. Sign Warrants
11. Adjourn - 9:35 pm

Upcoming Meeting Schedule:
• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, February 2, 2016; 7:00 p.m.
• Regular Meeting: Tuesday, February 16, 2016; 7:00 p.m.
• Public Info Meeting re: Town Meeting: Monday, February 29, 2016; 7:00 p.m., School Gymnasium
• Town Meeting (& Presidential Primary): Tuesday, March 1, 2016 – VOTE!
• Re-Organizational Meeting: Tuesday, March 8, 2016; 7:00 p.m.

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