So Ro Community Pot Luck Dinner and Game Night Returns

Past event
Jan 9, 2016, 5:30 to 8:30 PM

While it is still dark outside in early evening, yet getting lighter each day, would you like to get out of the house for an evening of community and connection? Meet new and old neighbors? Catch up on happenings? Share good food and fun games? Join us for the returning Community pot luck dinner and game night.
What to bring: your favorite food dish
non-alcoholic drink.
utensils and place setting for each person game to play and share with others.
Where: BALE on the Commons, S. Royalton Green
When: The 2nd Saturday of the month: January 9th, February 13th, March 12th, and April 9th
More info: Hoyt Bingham @ 802-299-5724

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