Castleton Recreation--Star Wars: a Dance Experience
Star Wars: A Dance Experience--
K-8th Grade
1/13, 20, 3:20-5:20 at CES
1/27--noon-3:00--props and costume making at Castleton Free Library
2/3, 2/10 3:20-5:20---CES
Final Performance--2/12, 5:00 PM
Cost $50
Come let the force be with you as we move and groove through space! Students in this workshop will learn and perform choreography inspired by the stories and characters of Star Wars. There will be something for everyone - brave warriors, powerful princesses, and unique inhabitants from other planets. Students will also get the chance to work on their own props and costumes.
Instructor: Zoë Marr Hilliard received her B.A. in dance and sculpture at Smith College and has since been working as an independent artist, dancer and choreographer in Vermont.
Registration will be in this Thursday's packet for kids at CES....I can also email you one if you send me an email at