Preview of Jan. 4 City Council Meeting

Past event
Jan 4, 2016, 6 to 9 PM

Dear Neighbors,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. I wish for each of you every happiness in the new year. May your days be filled with love, laughter, joy, the time to do all that you enjoy, and the treasure of family and friends in 2016.

This coming Monday will be our first Council meeting of 2016. On Monday, we will hold the first of four meetings for the month of January. Our meeting this coming Monday will be a limited agenda confined to time-sensitive items and those remaining from our last meeting which was abbreviated due to several lengthy issues.

The Council will begin its evening at 6pm with a work session on Form Based Code in Contois Auditorium in City Hall. We will move to our Council meeting at 7:15. Our first item on our agenda will be a presentation from John Tashiro, the General Manager of City Market, with an update on the City Market South End expansion plan.

We have three ordinances on our agenda Monday evening. They concern major impact review, mobile home parks, and grocery establishments in the Enterprise-Light Manufacturing Zone. These are all first readings so that means they will be referred to the Ordinance Committee and then will come back to the Council for a second reading and vote to adopt them into our Code.

We have one resolution for our consideration regarding locations and improving voter participation.

Our last items on our agenda are Council committee reports, comments from Councilors and the Mayor.

As with all Council meetings, please keep in mind that you are always welcome to come and speak to the Council on any subject you wish during our Public Forum which begins at 7:30pm. Clickable agenda items can be found on the City's website: All Council meetings are televised live on BT Channel 317 and streamed live to your computer or phone.

As always, I welcome your questions and concerns. Please be in touch over the weekend and on Monday. I will be out of town this weekend so email is best.

A happy and healthy new year to all.

My best,

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