Fall Whole Foods Cleanse Workshop at MMU Afterdark

Past event
Oct 17, 2013


Please come participate in my workshop I am offering at MMUafterdark Oct 10 and 17th from 6:30-8:30.

I will be introducing a great, effective short home cleanse with whole foods and herbs.  This cleanse supports your digestion and detoxification by giving your liver support, helping your digestive tract release toxins, assisting  regeneration of intestinal tract and giving the lymph greater mobility.  These results are obtained through eating kichadee, a morning ghee oleation, sipping hot water throughout the day, taking herbs before and after the meals and other lifestyle additions are suggested.  The cleanse should move things through your body gently and you will feel lighter  and clearer, you may or may not lose weight.  You may experience detox symptoms such as headache or fatigue and I will suggest ways to support your body so these effects are minimized.  The cleanse is designed so that you can maintain your daily schedule, although you may want to keep it a little less full while doing the cleanse.  This is recommended to do before winter so that your body can adapt to the seasonal changes that are upon us.  A full course description and feedback from previous participants is on the website, www.mmuafterdark.com.  Looking forward to seeing you there!
Liz Perkins
Certified Health Counselor
Exploring and celebrating our relationship with food to achieve greater health, happiness and well-being.

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