Proposed Agenda
Town of Plainfield Select Board Meeting
September 23, 2013
7:00 pm Call to order
Approve agenda
Public comment and announcements
7:15 Town Clerk/Treasurer's report
7:20 Road Foreman/Road Commissioner report
- Park and Ride improvements
- Pavement marking in village
7:25 Goddard wood heating plant permit appeal update
7:30 Selection of Vermont Health Connect plan for town employees
7:40 Discussion of Draft Town Plan
7:55 Review of Old Home Day – 100 Years of Service celebration
8:00 Water and Wastewater Commission – Special vote on Nov. 5th
8:10 Conservation Commission’s trail grant application
8:20 Update on abandoned trailer on Bean Road property
8:25 Junk tire removal project
8:30 Status of the Town’s old fire station on School Street
8:35 Request to attend the Preservation Trust Retreat on historic preservation and community development
8:40 Town Hall update
- fund drive/financial report
- mold remediation work
- evaluation of the lay-out of the lower level
- new heating system estimate
- State Fire Marshall inspection
8:50 Approve minutes of 9/09/13 regular meeting , minutes of special meetings on 9/13 and 9/17, and
minutes of the 9/18 Public Hearing on the Draft Town Plan
9:00 pm* Adjourn
* Times are approximate