Dear Friends and neighbors who have attended events at the Plainfield Opera House:
Are you interested in the presence that The Opera House has in the Plainfield community?
Can you imagine what the Plainfield Opera House could be if you were involved?
And do you want to be a part of the decisions that get made around its mission, programming, and operations? Would you like to be part of a group of people who will collaboratively generate ideas and funds to improve the hall and its possibilities?
If you have answered yes to any of these questions, we would love you to join us as a member of The Friends of The Plainfield Opera House!
In the last year, The Opera House been home to educational events, touring plays and puppet shows, square dances, giant community performances, operas, town-wide discussions, youth theater camps, a resource for local schools for classes and graduations, among many others.
The Town of Plainfield has done amazing work getting the Town Hall Opera House up and running and now its time for the people of the greater Plainfield are to step in, to shape a vision for a new arts and cultural scene in Central Vermont, focused in and around this beautiful building!
A group of us have started meeting to do just that and we would love to have you join us.
NEXT MEETING: January 13th at 6:30 pm at The Opera House
Food and snacks will be provided. Feel free to bring your favorite potluck dish, but not necessary!
With questions, please contact Naomi Flanders at or any of the people listed below.
Thank you!
- Keith Swann, David Strong, Naomi Flanders, Tom Blachly, Ed Hutchinson, Steven Light, Kathy Light, Marianne Perchlick, Sarah Lowry, Jade Walker, Renee Carpenter