I am excited to announce that Carly Fiorina, a 2016 Republican presidential candidate, will be in Lebanon, NH this coming Wednesday, December 9th 2015, at 6:30pm in Lebanon, NH for a free town hall meeting where she will discuss her platform for the Presidential race. My goal, as the Community Captain in Castleton for "Carly for America" is to get a large presence from our area at this event. This will be a great opportunity for you to have the chance to meet Carly and ask questions. Vermont is not on her event calendar, so this is the closest she will be to Castleton... The address is as follows...
Lebanon School District SAU #88 Admin. Office
20 Seminary Hill Rd
Lebanon, NH
Please register for this event by clicking on the EventBrite link below. Keep in mind, this is a free event.
If you have any questions, my number is (802) 683-4040. You can also call Scot Shumski (Director of the VT division of "Carly for America"). His number is (802) 310-8475.