Event: Dec 8, 2015, 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Please join the discussion and process for the North Ave Complete Street Pilot Project.
For info from previous meetings:
North Avenue Task Force Meeting #9
December 8, 2015
6 pm – 8 pm @ Burlington Police Dept. Community Room
Meeting Goals:
-Prepare for December Public Works Commission meeting
-Launch public outreach
-Revise draft Public Input Proposal and develop schedule to present to City
-Review data collection and traffic modeling
-Review draft Public Input proposal
-Housekeeping Items (5 minutes):
-NATF Member and public introductions;
-Review and approve tonight’s agenda;
-Review and approve notes from November 10 meeting;
-Review legal requirements re: group meetings and communications (notice and agenda required, quorum details);
Public Comment Period (10 minutes)
Councilor Comments:
(If any)
Recommendations to Public Works Commission (10 minutes)
-For decision: No parking on either side of North Avenue from Plattsburgh Ave. to Institute Road, except on the west side of North Avenue between Dodds Ct. and Shore Rd.
-For discussion: pilot project schedule
Buffered bike lanes as early as late spring 2016, but may be coordinated with other markings
-Lane reassignment during summer break, June 2016
-Rt. 127 intersection coordinated with lane reassignment
Public Outreach Materials & Schedule (30 minutes)
-Who, what, when and where
-Flyer distribution
-Lawn signs
-Timetable and specific outreach responsibilities
-Hannaford’s – other retail locations?
-Schools and PTO Meetings
-Front Porch Forums and NPA’s
-Mailings to residents
-Other ideas?
-Press conference
Measuring people’s reaction to the pilot once implemented (30 minutes)
-discuss draft
-develop schedule to present to City
Update on data collection review of updated modelling by CCRPC (20 minutes)
-Intersection modeling
-New data collection
Schedule update from DPW
-CCRPC technical assistance request for conceptual designs, intersection signalization, and measuring public input