Bethany Church's Christmas Bazaar is this Saturday, December 5th, from 9am - 3pm. The Silent Art Auction will be open for bids during those hours. Come visit our artisan vendors - Harvie Porter wooden bowls; Brenda Hutchinson Caswell jewelry; Page Spiess weaving; Abby Tonks pottery; Julie Manchester's Woodsong Herbals; Alice Wakefield quilts and her new book, Hymns of Braintree Hill .
Bethany will offer a selection of beautiful gifts from our Fair Trade table; a Cookie Walk featuring every kind of holiday cookie jmaginable; a luncheon of homemade soups and breads; our Youth Group's BereBere spices; and a craft table with creative items made by Bethany members.
Come, shop, relax and enjoy your day at Bethany Church.