Drones Quilt Project Event at Huntinton Library

Past event
Dec 10, 2015, 6:30 to 8:30 PM

Hi Huntingtonians!

A few months ago I posted this event for the Peace & Justice Center in Burlington. Now we are bringing the workshop to the Huntington library, Thursday, Dec 10th, 6:30-8:30pm. There will be a short film (~20 minutes) and then we will be making quilt blocks, representing some things we ourselves are thankful for, and memorializing a drone victim with each square.
Materials are provided, or you can bring your own.

We are putting together a quilt in remembrance of the victims of US drone attacks in Pakistan. The Vermont quilt will be presented along with many others in the Drones Quilt Project: https://dronesquiltproject.wordpress.com/ in a national tour that seeks to restore memory and humanity to those affected by our country's military agenda.

In case you want a heads-up (you can just come and we'll help each other), please check out the website below:
How to make block: https://dronesquiltproject.wordpress.com/how-to-make-a-block/

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