North Danville Brainerd Memorial Library Open House!

Past event
Dec 6, 2015

Sunday, Dec. 6, 2-4 PM is the Open House at the North Danville Brainerd Memorial Library. Dan Swainbank will be there with his new book: “The Farr Disease - One Family’s 150-Year Battle Against ALS.” A lot of the family in theis book are from North Danville and Dan lives in North Danville also. Then a Story-Time at 3 PM for the children with Dan reading a couple of our new children’s books which were purchased with a LIBRA grant the library received. We will also be showing off the newly painted children’s chairs which have been done by the talented people at Idle Time Crafts of Norton VT (Lisa & Brent Hilliker) and each chair is given in memory or honor of someone. You will love the chairs and their various designs! There are more chairs to be done if you also want to donate the painting of a chair to the library, just see one of the library trustees! There are two Raffles which will also be drawn at 4 PM (one does not need to be present to win): one is a whimsical handmade quilt and the other is a painted child’s rocker. Please join us in the spirit of the season for refreshments, see our updated space, new collections of books, and bring children to our special story-time.

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