This Friday experience an explosion of colors and culture with the Bollywood dance spectacle, The Journey to Mystic India!
This is a brand new production is perfect for the family and special enough for a date night out. The show is based on the concept of ancient India’s transition into modern India, with opulent costumes and impeccably trained dancers who combine authentic Indian and modern techniques to bring the streets of Mumbai and New York into perfect harmony. Audiences will travel through a kaleidoscope of color and beauty! Recommended for ages 5+ years.
The Journey To Mystic India
Friday, November 27, 3:00 & 7:00 p.m.
Tickets: Tickets: Prices start at $20-$48
Family 4-Pack tickets offered on regular & premium tickets: Enter the code FAM4 at checkout
122 Hourglass Drive, Stowe, VT 05672 | 802-760-4634.
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