Take Good Care—of Yourself
Varnum Library presents Health Program
Your Guts: What Happens to Your Food After You Swallow
Marcie Vallette, LPN, M Ed, and BFA will present
How can you take care of yourself if you have reflux or irritable bowel?
·How are these conditions treated?
·When do you need to call a doctor?
·What preventative steps can you take so you will have fewer health issues?
Your Guts… is second in a series of educational health presentations by Marcie Vallette: “I use peer-reviewed, current materials, my own drawings and other artwork to illustrate concepts. The presentations are interactive, including guessing games and items to pass around.”
This program assumes no previous medical knowledge and is designed as a purely educational opportunity. It is geared toward seniors, but all ages will benefit. Presenter Marcie Vallette says: “My goal is to empower people for whatever aging may bring.“
The program will be held on Tuesday, November 24th from 11 am to 12 pm. at the Varnum Library, 194 Main St. Jeffersonville. It is free and open to the public. For more information visit thevarnum.org, follow us on Facebook, e-mail thevarnum@gmail.com, or call 644-2117.