Taylor's 3rd Annual Giving Christmas Party

Past event
Nov 29, 2015, 11 AM to 3 PM

Taylor's 3rd Annual Giving Christmas Party Information (non-profit)
November 29, 2015 from 11:00am-3:00 pm at The Knight's of Columbus, St. Albans VT 05478

Taylor's Annual Charity Christmas Party is a party that we host dedicated to improving the lives of those in need. Our family hosts the Charity Christmas Party requiring that each guest bring a donation to ONE of these four charities:
The Georgia Food Shelf (food donations or a check made out directly to The Georgia Food Shelf)
The Franklin County Humane Society (a check made out directly to The Franklin County Humane Society or supplies - see their website for their wish)
The Charbonneau Family (from Essex) Jim and Jennifer Charbonneau are the parents of 9 year old daughter, Ciera, and 8 year old daughter Bailey. Ciera suffers from two rare diseases and this month underwent brain surgery in an effort to stop or minimize strokes like the one she suffered a couple months ago. Jim and Jennifer have a multitude of medical expenses, including travel related costs as most of her extensive care is done at Boston Children's Hospital. With all that they are facing it is becoming increasingly difficult to offer Ciera’s sister, Bailey, a 'normal' daily life. We are asking for gift cards to Hannafords, gas cards, local restaurants, the mall, Toys 'r Us, VISA/MasterCard, checks made to Jennifer Charbonneau, etc. to help provide this family with a nice Christmas. We want the girls to have a truly remarkable Christmas.
Combat Veteran's Motorcycle Association chapter 26-2 This organization is comprised of Combat Veteran's helping other Veterans by providing warm meals, clothing, shelter and guidance. They do amazing work with Veterans who have sacrificed so much of themselves, only to return home to a lack of medical care, housing, money, etc. They deserve so much more, and CVMA VT 26-2 helps make it happen. Donations of cash, coats and winter items, or books (novel or history books) are greatly appreciated. **Gift cards are ideal so that the Vets can get the things they really need**CVMA VT 26-2 also help host a Christmas Party for Veterans at The Veterans Place (vermontveteransplace.org)-offering a hand up-not a hand out. Visit them on Facebook CVMA VT 26-2.

Provide much needed assistance to local families in need, local charitable and local non-profit organizations this holiday season.
Offer local teenagers the opportunity to help set up, assist during the party and clean up after the party. The time the teenagers are working will help teach them empathy while allowing them to earn hours towards their high school required community hours.
Ensure that we are able to help feed, comfort and alleviate some financial burden to as many families and animals in need in our community as we can.

In 2013 my daughter Taylor voiced concern that she was worried about families and animals being hungry or cold during the upcoming winter months. She asked what our family could do to help. I assured my then 9 year old daughter that we would make a contribution to The Georgia Food Shelf and reminded her that we purchase and donate the $10 Helping Hands food box every time we go to Hannaford. She said, "That is great but it's not enough. If we could think of a way to get a whole bunch of people to do something too then more people and animals can be helped and saved." We brainstormed for a bit and Taylor's Giving Christmas Party was born. We hosted the party at our house in December 2013. It was a big success! Taylor and I decided that if we provide great snacks, Christmas music and great company, people would be excited about coming AND more importantly, donating. The first year we chose The Georgia Food Shelf, Franklin County Humane Society, Toys for Tots and VT National Guard as our 4 charities. Our house was full of wonderful friends and family who all made very generous donations! We decided that 2 of the charities that will ALWAYS be part of our efforts will be The Georgia Food Shelf and The Franklin County Humane Society. The other two charities will vary from year to year.
Due to our first year's success we decided to make this an annual event. We are about to embark on our 3rd Giving Christmas Party. We also decided to open it up even more to our local community members, friends and family. We are hosting it at The Knights of Columbus to provide more room. My nephew, Jesse Agan, will be donating his time by playing live Christmas music during our party this year. My niece, Keely Agan, will be dressing as Anna from Disney's Frozen and she will be singing a few songs from the movie as well as giving hugs and signing autographs for children. My daughter, Harley Reyome, will be dressed as Elsa from Disney's Frozen and will also sign autographs and pose for pictures with the kids. We have a wonderful Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus that will be present for children that want to sit on his lap for a picture and tell him what they want

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