Christmas Supper Holiday Supper in Canaan Dec. 5

Past event
Dec 5, 2015, 4:30 to 7 PM

Christmas Elf Family Takes Over a Kitchen in Canaan


A family of elves has taken over the kitchen of the historic Grace Community Church in Canaan and they have been seen cooking and baking up an early Christmas feast. These same elves invaded Canaan last year decorating the church for Christmas, decking the hall and lastly cooking and serving an early traditional Christmas Dinner.

The information given by the elves states that the 2015 Christmas Supper menu buffet includes a Caesar Salad, maple smoked ham, three cheese macaroni and cheese with chicken tenders, a full roasted winter vegetable buffet, Grafton mashed potatoes with gravy, hot apple cider, cranberry punch and a dessert buffet of cakes and Christmas Cookies.

This supper will be served by elves from the Canaan School's Builder's Club and is the first Saturday of December, the 5th, with two seatings being at 4:30 and 6 pm. Additional information is available on Facebook at GraceCommunityChurchVT or at

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