Grow Your Own will host a gathering on the topic of bulk shopping lead by Carrie Glessner at the Center for an Agricultural Economy (CAE) in Hardwick on December 5 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Ms. Glessner will share her knowledge of planning around bulk buying and preparing meals and snacks by putting together smaller quantities of such things ahead of time. The group will prepare some meals or snacks to take home, and participants will enjoy a meal together. Grow Your Own is a project of CAE, the Hardwick Area Food Pantry (HAFP) and NEK Kids on the Move. Gatherings are free and open to the public and children are welcome. RSVP is mandatory as space is limited. RSVP to Ruby Dale-Brown at HAFP at 802-472-5940 by Thursday, December 3. Participants are encouraged to bring their ideas to share. They will have a chance at a door prize - books donated by the Galaxy Bookshop. For more information please see the CAE website or e-mail CAE Community Projects Coordinator Bethany M. Dunbar at