I am pleased to invite you to my second collaborative reading with Tom Ragle, of "Our Favorite Poems," this Thursday, November 19 at 7:00 pm at Guilford Community Church. Admission is free, with donations covering the modest cost of our use of the church for this event.
Last May, we read a program of sonnets, and decided this time that we'd each read some of our favorite poems, and see what correlations emerge.
Tom is reading a number of English poems, from the Elizabethan era to the early 20th century, including an interesting grouping of three different treatments of "Come live with me and be my love," by Marlowe, Raleigh and Donne. The Romantics are also represented, as well as poems of Americans Walt Whitman and Robert Frost.
I am reading American poems, except for one by a Scot, featuring three favorite poets whose work is not widely known: John Malcolm Brinnin and Vermonters William Mundell and Frances Frost. Among other Vermont poets, I include two with Guilford connections: Royall Tyler and Verandah Porche.
We have noticed that most poetry readings nowadays are by poets reading their own work, a valued activity! But we miss the tradition of public readings of others' poems, whether great classics or hidden gems, and thus the reason for our series. Please join us.
Feb 15, 2025, 10 AM to 1 PM
Rock River Players' Valentine's CabaretFeb 15, 2025, 7 to 9 PM
Mammals of WinterFeb 16, 2025, 12 to 12 PM