Hunter Supper & Redshack Dance Saturday

Past event
Nov 14, 2015

Join the Hardwick Unit 7 Auxiliary Saturday, November 14th, for their Annual Hunters Supper to celebrate the first day of deer season with our scrumptious Pork Loin dinner. The dinner will feature Roast Pork Loin with homemade apple sauce, baked potato, vegetables, rolls & dessert. Serving begins for $8.00 at 5:00pm until 7:00pm when clean up begins. Then at 8:00pm dance to the classic rock tunes of Red Shack from St. Johnsbury Vermont performing until midnight for an additional $7.00. Dance sponsored by your Hardwick American Legion and is a 21 and over event featuring a cash bar throughout the night.

For more information about the Red Shack Band visit their website at:

Proceeds from these events benefit the many programs of the Hardwick American Legion and the Hardwick Unit 7 Auxiliary.

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