"Everything You Wanted to Know About Industrial Wind Turbines..."

Past event
Nov 13, 2015

...but were afraid to ask!>> as the old Woody Allen film (sort of) mentioned!

On Friday Nov. 13, an informative evening on the proposed industrial wind project in Swanton will take place at the St. Albans Historical Museum at 6:30 pm in the Bliss Room. Professor Ben Luce, a musician and Professor of Physics and Sustainability at Lyndon State College, will bring to life several arguments of why utility-scale industrial wind development on mountainous ridgelines in Vermont is not a desirable or needed form of renewable energy. The event is free and open to the public A short movie by Energize Vermont will precede the speaker.

Cash Bar provided by TWIGGS~ For more information: www.swantonwindvt.org

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