Volunteer for Invasive Plant Removal in Randolph Floodplain Forest

Past event
Nov 14, 2015

Saturday Nov. 14th, 2015
9:00 AM – Noon and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Meet at Randolph Valley Bowl Parking Lot

Hosted By:
Randolph Area Community Development Corporation (RACDC)
21 N. Main Street, Randolph, VT 05060. (802) 728-4305

Point Person: Nate Enright

RACDC is seeking conservation volunteers of all ages to help with the ongoing removal (pulling by hand or with hand tools) of the invasive plants common buckthorn, shrub honeysuckle, and Japanese knotweed from the floodplain forest. Other volunteers can assist with monitoring (visually inspecting) for newly emerging shrubs or other less labor-intensive tasks. Our goal is to remove these plants from selected sites on the floodplain forest where they threaten native plant populations and reduce or weaken native plant germination, growth, and sustainability. We aim to use the plants removed from the forest for material, culinary, or medicinal purposes, providing returns to the community.
Visit RACDC’s Facebook Page for updates or cancellation due to weather.

9:00 – 9:30am
Orientation: Lesson on importance of floodplain forest, invasive plant identification and threats to native species, demonstration of removal methods, and explanation of uses.

9:30am – 12 Noon
Invasive plant species control: Removal of common buckthorn and shrub honeysuckle from 1 acre area along the edge of the bowling alley lot and floodplain forest. Use gloved hands to pull smaller plants and loppers or weed wrench to remove larger plants. GLOVES AND TOOLS WILL BE PROVIDED. Removed plant material will be sorted by species and size and piled for later collection to be processed.

1:00 – 4:00
Repeat morning activity with new and continuing volunteers. Spread staghorn sumac seed in place of cut Japanese knotweed patches.
If you are interested in registering for this event or for future events, please contact us.

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