There will be a forum on marijuana legalization at the Town House in Hardwick on Tuesday, November 10 at 6:00 PM. This is being hosted by Rep. Chip Troiano, who represents Hardwick and Stannard. I am planning to attend.
The issues around legalization are complex: safe operation of motor vehicles, youth usage, fair and appropriate taxation, effect on the black market, prevention and education, edibles, licensing of sellers…to name a few. Other states that have moved in this direction have done so as a result of citizen initiative, a process that doesn’t allow for deliberation and amendment as issues arise and are debated.
If Vermont takes this step, we will be the first state to legalize through legislation rather than citizen initiative. This means that we have a chance to get it right, to learn from the experience in other states, to listen to Vermonters and to debate and decide on the issues.
We need your help. If you can, please join us at the forum on Tuesday, November 10. In addiiton, I hope to hear from you directly. Do you think we should legalize marijuana? What are your concerns? Questions? Suggestions?
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