Get a jump on your holiday shopping! Come join us at Salisbury Community School on Friday, December 4th at 6:00 pm for Prize Bingo and a Silent Auction. The Salisbury Community School 5th and 6th grades are fundraising for an overnight trip to the Boston Museum of Science in the spring. Numerous local businesses have donated new items and/or gift certificates as bingo and silent auction prizes. Last year we had enough prizes for each winner to receive several items. Some of the businesses donating include: J.P. Carrara and Sons, Addison County Field Days, Skida, VT Soap, Lake Champlain Chocolates, Rikert Nordic Center, VT Coffee Company, VT Kitchen Company, RK Miles, Monument Farms, Fyles Brothers, and many more. Snacks and drinks will be available.
Contact KC Carr at 802-989-4374 for more information.