Good Year to View the Perseid Meteor Shower

Past event
Aug 12, 2013

This is a good year to view the Perseids! The moon will not rise until after midnight on the 12th when the earth passes through the densest portion of the debris field left by comet Swift-Tuttle many years ago. Dark skies will reign! You can see the meteors in any part of the sky, but when you trace their trails backwards they appear to originate in the constellation of Perseus. Best way to view them is to invite your neighbors over and form a circle with your heads toward the center. Someone in the group will spot a meteor and give a shout but there is no way that everyone in the circle will see every meteor. You can view the Perseids before and after the 12th, but they peak about midnight between Monday and Tuesday.

Sporadic meteors appear several times an hour and come from any direction. They vary in size but most are about the size of a pin point. They heat the air around them which gives off light. A small rock will create quite a show! The astronauts aboard the International Space Station see meteors below them as they enter the earth’s atmosphere!

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