Sunday Afternoon, Money in Politics, from the League of Women Voters

Past event
Nov 8, 2015, 2:30 PM

Sunday afternoon, November 8 at 2:30 p.m., you can hear Ann Luther of Maine’s League of Women Voters, talk about Money In Politics, Whose Democracy Is It?

As we are all aware, the influence of money in politics is an unfortunate reality. The League’s focus on Money In Politics dates back to the 1970s when Watergate demonstrated what the effects of unchecked money and quid pro quo practices did to undermine governance for the public good.

We hope to see you at Montpelier City Hall (Memorial Room) for a free, informative, engaging presentation! Ann has worked on League priorities in Clean Elections & Campaign Finance Reform, Voting Rights, Ethics in Government, and Repeal of Term Limits.

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