Plainfield Brook Naming Event with Abenaki Elders Sat.

Past event
Nov 7, 2015

The weather looks like it will be great. At 1 p.m. Saturday there will be a public brook-naming event with Grandmother Jeanne Brink and friends, on Bean Road in Plainfield. If you plan to attend, please try to arrive between 12:30 and 1 p.m., not later . (The place we are doing this is right next to the road and cars arriving late will drive very close to participants.)

Turn on to Bean Road from East Hill Road (also at the intersection with Fowler Road) and drive 7/10 mile on Bean to reach the Mskaskek brook crossing. Parking is in a field past the brook culvert, on the right hand sde. Please watch for pedestrians and drive carefully.

Everyone is welcome. Please bring a snack or non-alcolholic beverage for the social gathering afterward at the Cyprian house.

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