Open Fields hosts its biennial fall event, a day filled with food, festivities and fun!
WHEN: Saturday, November 7, 2015. Doors open at 12:00. Music, lunch, and kids' activities start at 12pm. Auction starts at 1pm.
WHERE: Thetford Center Community Center (Rt. 113, Thetford, across from the Thetford Center Store)
· Harvest Lunch: an 'all you can eat' selection of soups, pastas, chili, pizza, desserts, and beverages. Plenty of vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, and low-sugar options. $8.00 for adults; $4.00 for children under 12.
· Live Music by nationally-renowned, local musician Senayit (music starts at 12 pm)
· Outdoor kid's activities throughout the afternoon, including Capture the Flag (1 pm), donuts on a string, sack races, old fashioned games, corn dolls, scarecrows, and apple prints
· An auction with auctioneer Dean Whitlock (starting at 1 pm). Get a jump on your holiday shopping or find a treasure just for you. This year's selection of auction items include a Dog Sledding Adventure for 4, a $250 gift card to Pompanoosuc Mills, radio controlled car, plants, jewelry, books, arts and crafts, kitchenware, gift certificates for local restaurants, passes, classes, entertainment tickets and more! See a list of auction items at