6th Annual Croptopia/Papercrafts Day Retreat to Benefit LACN Oct. 19

Past event
Oct 19, 2013, 8 AM to 9 PM

Please join us at the Hyde Park VFW for 6th Annual Croptopia Day Retreat to benefit Lamoille Area Cancer Network. This is a registered event. Your $50.00 registration fee covers, Welcome gift, Door Prizes every hour, Meals (Breakfast snacks, late hearty lunch & ice cream social, coffee all day, Scavenger Hunt, use of Cricut machines, mats and cartridges, paper cutters, big shot and cartridges. There will be our charity auction-tickets $1.00 each and a silent auction-tickets $1.00 each or 12 for $10.00. All monies will go Lamoille Area Cancer Network. Come have fun with us. This event is hosted by the Paper Dolls. If you would like a registration please e-mail me at marilynmunroe@comcast.net or call 802-888-5761.

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