Act 46 Public Information Forum

Past event
Nov 9, 2015

Act 46 – What is it? How might it affect our community?
Find out more at the Public Information Forum: 11/9/15, 6 PM (HPES Library)

A series of public information forums have been set up to help voters learn more about Act 46 (School District Consolidation), and how our local communities may be affected by it. At the upcoming public forums, Act 46 Study Committee members will provide a brief presentation about the new law and then describe the ongoing work of the Act 46 Study Committee. After the presentation, there will be a question and answer period.

Act 46, signed into law by Governor Shumlin on June 2 of this year, provides tax incentives to encourage small school districts to dissolve and together form new, larger districts that have 900 or more students. It also provides penalties for districts that don’t choose voluntarily to unify, and, by 2018, will empower the Agency of Education to force smaller districts to merge with others in order to achieve the target district size.

Act 46 carries significant implications for school districts throughout the state, including those in the LNSU. As a result, each of the districts that comprise the Lamoille North Supervisory Union voted in August to form a district-wide Study Committee to consider the advisability of forming a new Union District in accordance with Act 46. Any decision to form a new Union School District can ultimately be decided only by the voters at a special election. It is therefore important that you get the facts about Act 46, along with answers to any questions you may have.

A forum has been scheduled on 11/9/15. It will be held in the HPES library, and will begin at 6:00 PM.

Resource information, including Act 46 Study Committee agendas and meeting minutes, is available at

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