Hello friends,
we are getting ready for our 10th dinner at the farm. Agricola is a small diversified livestock farm that focuses on the production of gourmet meat (pork, lamb and soon chicken and quail meat). These dinners are BYOB events hosted at our farm house on Jersey st (Panton). We open the two farm dining rooms to 30 people and Farmer Ale and Chef Richard Witting (plus their team) pamper you with a 5-course gourmet meal all prepared from scratch and with fresh ingredients harvested from our farm. This month the theme is Cucina Antica Romana (Antique Roman Cuisine).
You can read more about the events here: http://www.agricolavermont.com/dinner-club.html
and you can purchase tickets here: http://www.agricolavermont.com/store/p7/Farm_Dinner_Club_Membership_-_November.html
Also a quick update:
We have been very busy at the farm and just welcomed 33 new piglets, reseeded some of the reclaimed pastures, tossed 20 TONS of plastic that was left in the fields, finished to renovate one of the hay lofts that is now open to events (let me know if you are interested!) and are now accepting pre-orders for our famous Porchetta Roasts for the holidays (limited number available) http://www.agricolavermont.com/meat-products.html
We have not opened the Farm Stand yet but hopefully in a few months we will send out an Open Farm Stand Invitation to everyone in the area!
See you at the Farm