Citizen Radar Gun Speed Conditions Round 2 Nov. 5

Past event
Nov 5, 2015

From Andrea on the North Ave Task Force:

We had a great time last week on North Ave clocking speeds. Please join us if you use North Ave.

The North Avenue Task Force was created by the city to "...foster a collaborative process of implementation..." in the North Avenue Corridor Pilot Project. To that end, we are inviting the community into what is happening on North Avenue. We want folks to be a part of the process, and we want people's engagement in understanding and in carrying this out.
Thursday's event is a great opportunity for folks to be out on North Ave and see and feel what is happening.

Citizen Radar Gun Speed Conditions

We will be using the BPD's radar guns and measuring real time speeds on the road. After a brief training, citizens will measure speeds of cars during a 30 minute window at different points along North Avenue. In addition, we will also be able to answer questions and describe where we are in the process, and what the safety issues and concerns are along the different parts of the avenue.

November 5, 3:00-5:30

3:00-3:30 Ethan Allen
3:30-4:00 Shore Road
4:00-4:30 Gosse Ct
4:30-5:00 Saint Mark's
5:00-5:30 Tracy Drive (mobile station)

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