Sayonara Summer Annual Neighborhood Potluck and Bonfire Sept. 21

Past event
Sep 21, 2013, 6 PM

Hi, friends and neighbors:

It is that time of year again where the Destakasi/Duke family hosts our annual neighborhood potluck and bonfire.  It takes place this Saturday at 6 pm at our home on One Mile Road.  If you live nearby (One Mile Road, Guinea Road, Quarter Mile Road, Half Mile Road, Mountain's Edge, Meadowside) you are welcome to come join us and celebrate our community and the ending of summer.  Bring a dish to share, your own beverage, a lawn chair for the bonfire, and dress for the chill in the air. Children welcome!  If there is only a little shower, we will still have the far, no one has melted from a little rain!

Hope to see you this Saturday, the 21st!

Blessings and Light,
Bonnie and the Boys

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