Event starts September 21 at 12:00 PM
Is there a circus in town?
You will be asking yourself this as you stroll over by the Court House this Saturday during the Hyde Park Home Day. There will be tight rope walking, juggling of bean bags, bouncing and balancing on bouncy balls, painted faces and so much more! Looks and sounds like a circus!! But it's the children's activities area at Hyde Park Home Days. Children love to hang out to try out all the activities provided. Our Hyde Park Elementary's 'Partners In Education' is sponsoring this, and there will be lots of fun for all ages. Bring the children to see the parade at noon and then stop by the lawn of the Court house for a good time. Then sit down for tea and a scone under the tent. You'll be able to listen to music by Shady Rill, music by Tom MacKenzie and Patti Casey. The fun just goes on and on!! For information, please contact Marilyn Zophar at 793-4348 or Judy Clark at 888-4864