Veteran's Day 2015
Wednesday November 11th
The Vietnam War: A Book and A Film
The Film: One Day Only!
My Father's Vietnam directed by Soren Sorensen
The Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center
60 Lake Street, Burlington Vermont
3 Screenings! 11:00 am (meet the director), 2:00 pm matinee, 7:30 PM
Limited seating. Tickets at Flynntix:[...]16V
"I give this film my highest praise. I want people to see it to understand the deep thinking that went into the tough decision made by most veterans to serve in that lengthy and controversial military engagement—now remembered as the Vietnam War. Many veterans paid a high price. The tribute to the fallen is breathtaking."
Jan Craig Scruggs, Esq.,
President Emeritus
Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund
2600 Virginia Ave NW Suite 104
Washington DC 20037
"My Father's Vietnam" is a powerful and gripping story---a worthy testament to complex lives and impossible choices made by young people coming of age while the world was in flames. These accidental heroes---soldiers, resisters, the women who waited and worried---emerge as fully human beings thrust into situations not of their making, struggling to make sense and create meaning out of chaos. This is a dazzling documentary and a necessary addition to the chronicle of the Viet Nam years.”
Bill Ayers, author of Fugitive Days
The Book:
Calm Frenzy: One Man's Vietnam War by Loring M. Bailey Jr.
“Ring found a passion in the written word. His letters represent the emergence of a new voice. A voice heard only briefly and from the most horrific of circumstances.
Though Calm Frenzy is the extraordinary legacy of one young soldier, his work honors the countless men and women who have stepped into harm’s way to keep us safe. This book is dedicated to all veterans, past, present and future. They all have stories to tell. Are we listening?"
Chip Lamb Pomfret School July 2015