On October 13th the State Dept. of Libraries Board approved the naming of a 5-mile long brook in Plainfield as "Mskaskek Brook" (Muh-SKAS-keek). This name, in the Abenaki language, means "Red Spruce" - which is the dominant tree species in the forest of Spruce Mountain where the brook originates.
To mark the event, Abenaki elders are coming to Plainfield on Saturday, November 7th to help name the brook, and the public is invited. This may be the first time in more than a century that an Abenaki place name has been approved for new use on USGS maps.
We will all gather together where Mskaskek Brook crosses Bean Road (reached from Plainfield village via either Brook Road and Fowler Road, or from East Hill Road) about 7/10ths of a mile from the Fowler Rd. intersection with Bean. Please do not park on the road, but continue (carefully - to avoid pedestrians) on past the bridge to Maria & Mel McKnight's pasture... which will be marked by signs.
The event begins in a clearing next to the brook at 1 p.m. and will be followed by a social gathering with potluck snacks and refreshments (please contribute if you can) at the Cyprian house. Please try to arrive early to reduce traffic during the actual event.