Halloween and Trunk or Treat

Past event
Oct 31, 2015


The community is invited to attend the sixth annual Haunted Firehouse at the South Londonderry Fire Station (60 Main Street) on Saturday, October 31st. This year will also include trunk-or-treating next to the fire station sponsored by the First Baptist Church of South Londonderry. The firehouse will be open starting at 5:00 pm on Halloween night for kids and adults alike. There will be free food and drinks, while they last, as well as opportunities to tour the fire station and gather around the campfire. Kids of all ages are welcomed to walk through the haunted portion of the firehouse.

For adults who like to have trick-or-treaters but live on one of the many rural roads that is not frequented by trick-or-treaters this is an opportunity to treat lots of kids, only from car trunks instead of from front doors. Members of the community are invited to park their cars next to the firehouse and set up at 4:45 pm, open their trunks, and hand out treats to children, starting at 5:00 pm. Dressing up and decorating trunks or around the car is fun but not mandatory.

Kids will be able to trunk-or-treat, walking from vehicle to vehicle (instead of house to house) to gather candy. Main Street will be closed during the event, but people can park either at the Library and Town Office Building or at First Baptist Church’s parking lot. For questions, contact Chris Blackey at 802-856-7266. Everyone is invited to join the fun evening!

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