Development Review Board Nov. 3 Agenda

Past event
Nov 3, 2015, 7:30 PM

Meeting Agenda – November 3, 2015
Hinesburg Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room – 7:30 PM

1. Agenda Changes

2. Review minutes of October 20th meeting.

3. Hinesburg Police Station: Sketch Plan Review of a 2-lot Subdivision and PUD for a 0.85-acre property in the Village Zoning District. Lot 1 would be 0.76 acres and include the new police station, parking, and green space. Lot 2 would be 3,600 sq ft including the old police station. Property location: 10322 and 10298 VT Route 116.

4. Cherrie Willette/Deborah Campbell: Sketch Plan Review of a 2-lot subdivision for a 10.1-acre property in the Agricultural Zoning District. In Option 1, Lot 1 would be 7 acres with the existing house. Lot 2 would be 3.1 acres including a house site. In Option 2, Lot 1 would be 8.4 acres and include the existing house. Lot 2 would be 1.7 acres and include a house site. Property location: 106 Mead Farm Road.

5. Randy & Denis Therrien: Final Plat Review of a 2-lot subdivision of 2-acre property in the Residential 1 Zoning District. Lot 1 would be one acre and include the existing house and garage. Lot 2 would be one acre and include a proposed house site. Property Location: 149 Hawk Lane.

6. Other Business:
 News/Announcements
 Correspondence Received
 George Bedard: Request for 6-month extension of a 4-lot subdivision sketch approval
 Brenda Farrington: Decision Deliberation – Hearing closed on 10/6/15
 Kevin & Dawn Francis: Decision Deliberation – Hearing closed on 10/20/15
 Stuart & Taryn Slote: Decision Deliberation – Hearing closed on 10/20/15
 Annette & Leo Besaw: Decision Deliberation – Hearing closed on 10/20/15

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