Inspired by an Art Presentation hosted by, Louise, Lucy, and Nicole are hosting a Potluck and Art Party. Share some food, make a carrot costume, write a 15 sec - 5 minute skit around climate change, create something that moves you, and enjoy good conversation. Please help spread the word. All are welcome!
What: Potluck Dinner and Art Party
When: Friday, November 6th, 6pm
Where: 880 Barstow Road, Shelburne, VT
Why: We care about our future and want to engage in dialogue on climate change with all
Bring: Food/Drink to share and any crafty items that you think would be helpful.
Questions: Call Nicole Carpenter at 338-0626
Hope to see you Friday, November 6th,
Feb 1, 2025, 10 AM to 2 PM
Valentine's Day Crafternoon at the Sinclair Inn B&BFeb 5, 2025, 5 to 7 PM
Lions Club Blood DriveFeb 6, 2025, 1 to 6 PM