Winterfest Planning Meeting - by Ron Carter
Wednesday, October 28th, 7:30am at 158 Main.
I know, I know... the leaves so recently blazed in fall brilliance and now we're talking about celebrating SNOW. Ah, but it's never too early to start planning for Winterfest - the 20th Annual! So, the Smugglers' Notch Area Chamber of Commerce (aka SNACC) is holding the first planning meeting - Wednesday, October 28th, 7:30am at 158 Main.
Because the Primitive Biathlon will not be a part of Winterfest, we are considering having all the events on Saturday, January 30th. This will depend on the number of events and the volunteers we have to handle them.
UPGRADED: Sledding Event at Quarry Hill Farm (race, costume contest), Smuggs Nordic Center
POSSIBLE: Arbortrek, Boyden Valley Winery & Spirits, Hot Chocolate Run
Probable EVENT SCHEDULE for Sat, Jan 30th
9:00a-12:00p - Pie For Breakfast at CES - Cambridge Area Rotary (Greg)
10:00-11:00a - Friendly Pirate at Varnum Library (Linda, Ron)
2:00-3:00p - Cross Country Event at Smuggs Nordic Center (PK)
4:30-6:30p - CFD Aux Lasagna Dinner (Shelby)
6:30-8:30p - Bonfire/DJ/Vendors (Pete K?/CAC/Ron)
7:30-8:00p - BSA Troop 39 Flag Retirement Ceremony (Roger)
7:30-8:00p - Balloon SnowGlow (Mark)
8:00-8:03p - Annie Rheaume sings National Anthem (Annie)
8:03-8:20p - Fireworks (Ron)
details tbd - Green Mountain mini-snowmobiles at CES (Jessica)
details tbd - Skating Rink at CES (Peter)
details tbd - Contra Dance in CES Gym (CAC)
details tbd - Fire Dancers at CES (Kim, Ron)
Posters/promotion (CVT committee)
Video (Irving/Ron)
Sponsors (Susan)