Super Bingo Tickets on Sale Now!
November 15, 2015
Court St. Veronica Catholic Daughters of America invite you to our Annual SUPER BINGO Sunday November 15. Doors open at @ 10:30 am with the first game at 11:30. Come join the fun & a chance to win $2,000.00 in prizes plus a 50/50 raffle.
Tickets on sale for $25.00 for 9 cards (must buy 9) and $5 for a set of 3 additional cards. Refreshments will be sold throughout the game. For more information or to purchase tickets contact Debbie @ 472-5088 or Mary Jane @ 793-4764.
This event is OPEN TO THE PUBLIC! We reserve the right to cancel this event if we do not sell 100 tickets and money will be refunded to players.