Cedar Street Neighborhood Clean-Up

Past event
Oct 24, 2015, 10 AM to 2 PM

On Saturday, October 24, from 10-2, residents of the neighborhood around Cedar Street (Cedar, Elmwood, Rose, Lafountain, North St., North Champlain Street, Manhattan, Poplar, Myrtle) will have an opportunity to get rid of their JUNK. There will be dumpsters on Cedar Street between 10 and 2, and material will be hauled away. We will have staff from Public Works, Code Enforcement, and Chittenden Solid Waste District there to assist in the safe disposal of items. Refreshments too! This is being funded through a new City Council Initiatives program of the City of Burlington, and has been organized by Ward 3 and Central District city councilors Sara Giannoni and Jane Knodell with most of the heavy lifting (so to speak) provided by UVM student (and city council staff assistant) Ben Vidal. Any questions, please call Jane Knodell at 862-2469.

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