Agenda for Oct. 26 Selectboard Meeting

Past event
Oct 26, 2015, 7 PM

Selectboard Agenda
Regular Meeting of Monday October 26, 2015
South Hero Town Hall, at 7:00 PM

Jonathan Shaw, Chairman
Carol Tremble
George Rice
Anne Zolotas
Graham “Skip” Brown

1. Call to Order

2. Adjustment to Agenda, if necessary

3. Approval of Minutes
A. Meeting of October 12, 2015

4. Public Input

5. New Business
A. Jan Marinelli, new Chairman of LCIEDC to introduce herself to the Board and discuss any new initiatives
B. Discuss Grand Isle Zoning Administrator proposal
C. Discuss recommendation of Planning Commission for Zoning Administrator and next steps
D. Discuss recent legal fees incurred by the Town

6. Ongoing and Old Business
A. South Street updates: If available, discuss next steps for the section from Landon to Martin Rds.
B. Discuss any Park and Ride developments
C. Discuss any update on Town Auditor
D. Discuss East Shore Rd. and possible next steps

7. Reports of Officers
A. No Report from Administrative Assistant this week

8. Other Business
A. Sign order(s)
B. Set 2016/2017 budget scheduling
C. Possible interview of Planning Commission ZA recommendation
D. Possible executive session for personnel matters

9. Announcements and Communications

10. Adjournment

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