BRACC will meet in Ludlow at the Fletcher Memorial Library in the Community Room on Wednesday, October 28th at 6 p.m. Weinvite you to attend and learn about the issues facing our children and what you can do to help. Everyone who attends will beentered into a drawing for a $50 Gas Card. We will serve light refreshments. The Black River Area Community Coalition (BRACC) wasestablished in 2003 to address concerns around underagedrinking. Our mission is to take aproactive approach to preventing youth substance use and violence by promotinga healthy involved community, supporting all youth in safe environments. We seek to expand opportunities that providehigh expectations, clear boundaries and strengthen bonds between youth andadults. We encourage and educate adultsabout the importance of being good role models.
We focus on programming aimed at reducing high riskbehaviors of our community’s young people. Our goal is to change the norm inour communities to send a clear message to youth that illegal use of alcoholand drugs are harmful to their health and future. Our partners includeschools, law enforcement, healthcare professionals, the court system, parents,community members and recovery.
Underage Drinking, opiate addiction, marijuana use,and prescription drug abuse are some of the issues facing our children, parentsand community members. For more information, join us on Oct. 28 or contact Brigid Sullivanor Paul Faenza at 802-228-7878, or send an email to