10/24 (All Ages Welcome)
Barre, VT: The annual meeting and open conference of the VT Alliance for Retired Americans titled Benefits at Risk, will be held at the Aldrich Public Library, 6 Washington Street from 9:00AM to 2:00PM on Saturday, October 24th . Lunch will be included in the registration fee of $15.00 which is payable at the door. (Scholarships available.) The annual business meeting starts promptly at 9:00 AM and will include election of new board members and a brief legislative update on Act 39 and the Death with Dignity implementation by Cindy Bruzzese, executive director of the Vermont Ethics Network (VEN).
The keynote speaker, Richard Fiesta, executive director of the national Alliance for Retired Americans, (ARA) will speak at 10:00AM. He will discuss national budget priorities, level funding and cuts proposed in the federal budget and how our efforts may help promote more equality for low and middle income elders and people with disabilities in particular. This is a very timely issue, as no increases in Social Security benefits are being discussed in Washington for 2016. Following his talk, we will hear from Nancy Altman, author of a recent handy guide to Social Security, titled Social Security Works at10:45 AM, which should be of interest to anyone contemplating how to make the most of their benefits, an often very confusing subject. Discussion of national priorities will follow until lunch around Noon.
At 1:00 PM, Paul Cillo, founder, executive director and president of the Vermont Public Assets Institute will talk about the current state budgets with particular emphasis on its income inequality and lack of accountability to those at the lower end of the economic spectrum, who may need services and benefits to survive. These include adequate housing, weatherization, heating assistance, tax relief, food supplementation, health care and drug benefits, and an adequate livable wage for all workers. He will guide a discussion with VT-ARA panelists titled: What Can We Do About It? Where is the Money?
For more information about becoming a member of VT-ARA or the conference which is open to all interested persons, contact Jane Osgatharp, President, at (802)229-0850 or email: or check our facebook page. National ARA information may be found at .