Hogback Hike - Walk Like a Wolf

Past event
Oct 25, 2015, 10 AM to 12 PM

Walk Like a Wolf: Explore the Woods Through the Eyes of a Predator
Forest, field, marsh, and mountain – humans walk and wade through these landscapes every day. But how do other predators navigate the wilderness? What does a wolf see, hear, and smell? How do wolves walk through the woods? How would these wild places look if wolves returned? Adam Katrick, founder of Wolfgard Northeast, will be leading this outdoor program at the Hogback Mountain Conservation Area. The event has been organized by the Southern Vermont Natural History Museum and is co-hosted by the Hogback Mountain Conservation Association.
Come prepared for the weather and for travel both on and off trail. This will not be a strenuous hike, but you will have the opportunity to join-in an awareness/stalking activity – so it's best to wear clothes that don't mind a hint of mud, a few snags, or pine pitch. We'll meet in the big parking lot on the north side of Route 9. Plan for up to two hours in the woods. This is a free event but donations to Wolfgard will be accepted. www.wolfgardne.org

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