Mt. Philo Inn Presents: Politics, Music, Tap Dancing, Dogs & Ice Cream

Past event
Oct 23, 2015, 6:30 to 10 PM

Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream, is bringing his Stamp Stampede, a grass roots campaign to help get money out of politics, to the Mt. Philo Inn on Friday, Oct. 23, at 6:30
On hand to help celebrate the occasion will be “Vermont’s Fun band” The Hokum Bros., along with world renowned tap dancer and performance artist, Michael “Shoehorn” Conley, from Portland, Oregon.
Mt. Philo State Park Rangers, John and Kim Frigault, who just completed another year taking care of Vermont’s most popular state park, will talk about the dogs of Mt. Philo and their work with Long Trail Canine Rescue.
The Stamp Stampede is tens of thousands of Americans legally stamping slogans on our Nation’s currency to get the message across that we’ve got to get money out of politics. Cohen will have stamp devices on hand and will be urging event-goers to stamp dollar bills with campaign finance reform messages like “Not to be used for bribing politicians”, “Money is free speech”, and “Corporations are not people”.

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