Final Event at the Brandon Town Hall

Past event
Oct 17, 2015


Our 5th annual “Chiller Theater” (no heat in the upper hall) takes place on Saturday, October 17 at 7:00 pm. (This is a change from the original date of Oct. 10.) This Free Will Donation event is our final event of the season (except for Moonlight Madness on December 2 ). Get ready for a real thriller as Jeff Rapsis plays the music for Alfred Hitchcock's “The Lodger” (1927). Just in time for Halloween (bring your hats, mittens and blankets...looks like a cool weekend) in “The Lodger”, the search is on for the man responsible for a series of murders in fog-shrouded London. Legendary filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock's career began in the silent era, when the then young director first produced his brand of darkly suspenseful thrillers. Not for the faint of heart! We hope to have some hot drinks available in addition to our regular goodies. Sponsored by Nancy & Gary Meffe.

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