VUHS Class of 2016 Walk-A-Thon for a Cause Oct. 22

Past event
Oct 22, 2015

On October 22, the Vergennes Union High School Senior Class of 2016 will be walking at 8 a.m.from their high school campus up Main Street on to Green Street Ext. across Rt. 17 on to Pearson Road taking a left on Campground Road to Rt. 7 then a right on to Dog Team Rd to end at the River's Bend Campground for a ceremony acknowledging the students' effort to raise money and awareness for the Prevention of Teen Suicide and Depression. Please be aware that there will be over 70 students and community members walking/running this route from 8 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on October 22. Donations would be very much appreciated by the class. Calling the VUHS main office 877-2938 has details how to submit a donation. Thank you!

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