Cambridge Christian Fellowship is hosting another "MAKE IT AND TAKE IT HOME -CRAFT EVENT" .
FOR AGES 5-105 guys and gals
We will be making both Thanksgiving and Christmas cards. Learn a few basic skills and say good bye to the price of store purchased cards.
We will have fun exploring ways to UP CYCLING cards from last year. ( Yes, if they were pretty I kept them). Come ready to learn some basic card making skills (ABSOLUTELY NO CRAFTING EXPERIENCE REQUIRED). Learn to stamp, emboss, use die cuts and paper punches to create one of a kind handcrafted cards.
Leave with your own unique cards/gift tags for those Christmas packages/and place cards for the Thanksgiving table.
This is a FREE EVENT all the materials required for your crafting enjoyment will be provided at no cost to you.
We will provide a light snack to keep you at your creative best.
Come, bring a friend, and make a friend or two while we craft together...
It's always a good time when 3 or more generations get together.
Hope to see you on Saturday at " the white church in Cambridge Village".
Saturday Oct. 17.
9am-12 noon