Vermont Food Swap Sept. 22

Past event
Sep 22, 2013, 4 PM

Do you have a lot of extra produce in your garden that you’d love to share? Or how about an overabundance of pickles, jam, or other homemade items that you’d like to trade with others? If so, come to the Vermont Food Swap on September 22nd!

We’re gathering at the Waterbury Congregational Church in Waterbury at 4pm on Sunday, September 22nd, to swap our goodies. The past food swaps have been a great gathering with fun people and great food. Some of the previous items swapped were eggs, rhubarb jam, bean burgers, hummus, zucchini relish, greeting cards, soap, veggie starters, salsa, sourdough bread, biscotti, and drink starters. Anything homemade by YOU is eligible to swap so get creative, come to the swap, and go home with some great homemade items!

Don't know what a food swap is or what to expect? I recently wrote an article that will give you a lot more information:[...]ng/

Sign up and get all the how-to-participate details at -- and feel free to contact me directly ( if you'd like more information. Hope to see you there!

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